Student Information
In order to provide the best Commencement experience for all in attendance, we now require all graduates to register both themselves and their guests. Please use the buttons below to register for the Commencement events you plan to attend, including Baccalaureate Mass, the Main Ceremony, and your Individual Diploma Ceremony.
For students who graduated in December 2024 or are graduating in May 2025, except for Law students
For students who graduated in August 2024
For Law students
Photos and Yearbook
Purchasing the Sub Turri Yearbook
The 2025 Sub Turri Yearbook is now available for purchase for $130.
Yearbooks will be distributed to students on campus during senior week. If seniors are unable to pick up their yearbook during senior week, they will need to provide a mailing address for it to be shipped to.
All seniors who purchase a yearbook will be entered to win a BC Bookstore gift card of $50.
Cap and Gown
Cap and gown ordering information will be available on Wednesday, March 19.
Picking Up Your Cap and Gown
Cap and Gown Headquarters will be located in the McElroy Commons Bookstore. Students should visit the Bookstore during one of the designated pick-up times listed below. To collect their orders, students must have their BC ID and order confirmation number readily available. Cap and gown pick-ups will occur on the following days and times:
- Wednesday, May 14, 2025, 9:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.
- Thursday, May 15, 2025, 9:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.
- Friday, May 16, 2025, 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
- Saturday, May 17, 2025, 12:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m.
- Sunday, May 18, 2025, 12:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m.
Emergency pickup is available on Monday, May 19, 2025 from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. at the McElroy Commons Bookstore.
For questions, please contact the Bookstore Director, Chris Bergin, at 617-552-6474 or
Dropping Off Your Cap and Gown (Doctoral Students Only)
Doctoral students should return their (rental) cap and gown at the Bookstore in McElroy Commons or at the Hillside Shop in Maloney Hall by 5 p.m. on Monday, May 19, 2025 (Commencement Day).
Law Student?
Visit the Law School Commencement website for cap and gown information.
Senior Week Activities
Senior Week is a springtime rite of passage on the Heights. The week offers seniors a special opportunity to commemorate their time together and celebrate their status as rising alumni. Senior Week activities are scheduled for week between final exams and Commencement Monday. These events are planned by the Senior Week Student Committee under the direction of the Office of Student Involvement (OSI).
For up-to-date information about Senior Week activities, please visit the Senior Week website.
Questions? Email
Dean of Students Advisory
The Office of the Dean of Students (DOS) reminds seniors that the University's Community Standards prevail throughout this period. As members of the Boston College community, students are expected to respect and adhere to all University policies throughout Senior Week. It is important to note that violations of University policy that occur during Senior Week may result in disciplinary action that could jeopardize one's status at Boston College.
Graduation Clearance Process
Students should visit the Student Services website and contact Student Services regarding information on graduation clearance.
Academic Honors
Academic honors printed in the Commencement program are based on grade averages. The cumulative average for degrees with honors will be as follows:
- summa cum laude (with the highest honors)—3.9–4.0
- magna cum laude (with high honors)—3.8–3.899
- cum laude (with honors)—3.667–3.799
Graduates names are listed in the Commencement Program if they completed degree requirements by the end of the second semester of the 2024–2025 academic year or if their degree was awarded since last May. If graduates' names are not in the program, they may call the Office of Student Services and speak with their Assistant Registrar.
Academic honors are not calculated for graduate students except for law. Law students’ Latin honors are calculated as follows: Summa Cum Laude is awarded to the top 2% of the class. Magna Cum Laude is awarded to the top 10% of the class. Cum Laude is awarded to students graduating in the upper third of the class. Honors will be noted on the student’s diploma.
Residence Hall Closings
All graduating residents are required to check out and vacate their rooms by 8:00 p.m. on Monday, May 19, 2025. Visit for more information.
Alumni Association
The Boston College Alumni Association is located in the Cadigan Alumni Center on the Brighton Campus, 2121 Commonwealth Avenue, Brighton, MA, 02135. You may reach the Alumni Association by phone at (617) 552-4700 or email at
Message to the Class of 2025
When you graduate from Boston College, you join over 207,000 Boston College alumni worldwide! As members of the Class of 2025, you now have available a variety of opportunities and benefits designed to keep you connected to Boston College for a lifetime. Here are just a few:
- Affinity Programs: By tapping into our alumni’s shared passions, interests, and identities, the affinity programs provides an opportunity for alumni and friends to connect with each other and with friends in a deeper and more personal way. This is done through the work of the 13 councils and networks that are based on specific areas of interest, which can be academic, cultural, identity based, professional, social, or spiritual.
- Career Support: We have the tools to help you grow and expand your professional network. Join our online mentorship platform, Eagle Exchange, to connect with current students and fellow alumni. Sign up today at
- Class-Based Programming: Don’t wait until your fifth reunion to see your classmates again. Every class has a committee of volunteers who plan and organize events and programs throughout every year leading up to and including reunion. Our GOLD (Graduates Of the Last Decade) programming offers many social and career-related activities designed specifically for YOU, our newest alumni!
- Chapters: A growing network of more than 70 chapters across the globe keep alumni connected to Boston College in every corner of the world. Chapters organize annual activities such as service projects, spiritual retreats, social and networking gatherings, as well as athletic and arts events, and play a vital role in keeping alumni informed about and engaged with their alma mater. To find a chapter near you, visit
- Communications: As a graduate, you will now automatically receive the Boston College Magazine, which features interesting stories, BC news, and class notes. You will also receive our e-newsletter, Alumni Connections, filled with upcoming programs and activities and ways for you to become involved as a volunteer, a quarterly “adulting” newsletter, and weekly emails with events happening in your geographic area. Visit the Alumni Association website at to learn more about staying connected. We are also all over social media, so check us out on Facebook, X, Instagram, and more!
- Make sure your contact information is up to date by visiting here.
- Make sure your contact information is up to date by visiting here.
Now that you have graduated, you can be assured that your Boston College journey will continue for a lifetime as a proud alum. Congratulations, 2025!